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10 Corona virus drugs are under clinical trials, US shows striking efforts says Trump

Our world has undergone a huge disease pandemic,COVID-19, for which many countries around the world are trying to find the medicines for the complete cure of the disease. But still now no one could find it . Patients are just being treated timely. An anti- malarial drug named hydroxychloroquine is being identified by U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a feasible treatment for this pandemic. four separate clinical trials is being conducted by the U.S Government. They put more efforts in order to find a therapeutic solution for this fast spreading pandemic. Due to the absence of a drug or vaccine, corona virus has taken away the lives of 88,500 people and infected nearly 1.5 million people across the globe. Particularly, in United States,14700 fatalities and 4.3 lakh infections.

The medical doctors, the lab technicians, the agencies are coming up with things. India is currently the largest producer of hydroxychloroquine and the U.S.goverment is demanding the medicine from India. The Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi ha s accepted to export the medicines to America. The initial trial is going to take place this week with 3,000 people taking the hydroxychloroquine.

A number of medical trials were happening, some of which might be randomised controlled trials that’s the top-quality manner to decide in the end if something is safe and powerful and works. But there are numerous one of a kind ways that this is being looked at.FDA has approved what is called off- label use and with the consultation of the physician, if the physician accepts to prescribe the usage of hydroxychloroquine they can.they are working to increase the supply of the medicine but they are studying it under four different clinical trials.

This clinical trial is being conducted by Henry Ford Company. One is that formal clinical trials are going on and the off-label use. U.S is showing striking efforts in order to control the spread of the pandemic.

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