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200 COVID-19 suspects found in Delhi’s Nizamuddin, taken to Hospital

As the cases in India rose to an alarming 1400 and counting, one of the main sources identified has was Tablighi Jamaat in Nizamuddin West where a religious congregation took place earlier this month between 1 March 2020 to 15 March 2020 before the countrywide curfew which was announced on the 22 March. Authorities have declared Nizzamudin West a High-risk zone.


This congregation was held by the Jamaat and hosted almost 250 foreign nationals, who reportedly traveled across India to other states. Sources have reported that almost 1500 of these participants are still trapped inside the Mosque, Bangle Waali Masjid, and three hundred of them have complained of the suffering grom common symptoms of the virus including dry cough and fever. These patients have been rushed to isolation wards of public hospitals. The entire area has been put under complete lockdown and officials are trying to estimate the spread of the virus.
This congregation was attended by hundreds of people, including foreigners and others who had traveled from different parts of the country. This includes nine individuals from Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Jammu & Kashmir, and Karnataka, who have reportedly died due to the novel coronavirus Amongst the international participants, a Filipino has died and 19 foreigners who attended this movement have tested positive. Nationals from Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia are also amongst this crowd. Several other cases have tested positive and there are several others who are yet to be screened and tested.

Many have reported that 85 preachers have been admitted to hospitals and there are six confirmed cases till now. About 500 residents in the area have been put under surveillance.

Actions of the authorities

Many families who hosted foreign nationals have also been put under surveillance and are being screened. Delhi health minister said 700 people who attended this congregation have been quarantined while around 335 people have been admitted to hospitals. He said the screening of all those who participated in the event is being conducted by the government. Nearly 300 foreigners who attended the Nizamuddin event may be blacklisted for violating visa conditions.

Considering the travel history of these participants, and the sudden outburst of cases in the states where they had traveled to, the extent and spread of this virus is unimaginable.

The Maulana was reported to have written to the SHO on the 24 March asking for help from authorities to remove around 1000people remaining in the Mosque, in line with the regulations of the government.

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had ordered the filing of FIRs in connection with the Tabligh-e-Jamaat following which a case has been registered against Maulana Saad & others of Tableeghi Jamaat under Epidemic Disease Act 1897 & other sections of IPC for violation of government directions given to the management of Markaz of Basti Nizamuddin, regarding restrictions on gatherings as per statements given by the Delhi Police Commissioner


Whether this FIR was justified or not is a major issue and cause of concern regarding the conduct of officials at the time of the lockdown. The spread of the virus could have been avoided had there been a timely intervention.

The spread of this virus has gone up manifold increasing not only the cases but also possible carriers putting thousands at risk. Negligence of the officials of the Jamaat int heir decision to hold this congregation at a time of a global pandemic has also been pointed out. Citizens have been requested to be vigilant and come forth immediately if notice any symptom or sign of the virus. Officials are yet to test and screen several other individuals both inside the Mosque and those who may have been in contact with these individuals.

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