Home » Trending » 3-year-old kid and wife of Delhi police constable who died of coronavirus tests positive for the disease

3-year-old kid and wife of Delhi police constable who died of coronavirus tests positive for the disease

After Amit Kumar died of the complication of the coronavirus, 3 days after which his
wife and 3-year old son also tested positive for the virus. His brother in law said that
at least 9 members of his extended who met Amit Kumar after he returned from
Sonepat tested for the virus.

“His wife and three-year-old son were tested positive the day after Amit passed
away.late in the evening, their results came positive” said the woman’s brother.
Amit’s wife was a 26-year-old woman who after coming in contact with him acquired
the virus.

Amit Kumar was posted in Delhi’s Bharat Nagar station in the northwest region. The
news of Amit’s wife and their son being positive for the virus was also confirmed by
DCP of the northwest region, Vijayanta Arya.

The family consisting of Amit along with his wife and child lived in Haryana’s Sonepat.
As soon as the results came the other members present with his wife had a call and
an ambulance was sent immediately and both got admitted in the PGI hospital of

Last Saturday Kumar went to Delhi from Sonepat, he returned to work and complained
of breathlessness in the evening and at night as well. Amit fell sick on Tuesday
morning and was immediately taken to the hospital to test for the virus he was turned
away from two hospitals as they could not cure the seriousness of the complications
Kumar had. On his way to the RML hospital, he passed away.

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