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A 101-year-old man in Italy who tested positive for novel coronavirus last week has now recovered

The novel coronavirus has infected more than 5 lakh people and claimed over 24,000 lives across the world. Italy is one of the worst-hit countries and has reported the highest number of facalities.

Amid this scenario, a 101-year-old man in Rimini, Italy has recovered from the novel coronavirus. The man is referred to as Mr. P and has now been taken home by his family, according to reports.

According to Vice-Mayor of Rimini, Gloria Lisi, Mr. P was born in 1919 and was admitted to the hospital last week after testing positive for Covid-19. Speaking about the case, Lisi said, “Everyone saw hope for the future of all of us in the recovery of a person more than 100 years old.”

“Every day we see the sad stories from these weeks that mechanically tell about a virus that rages and is especially aggressive on the elderly. But he survived. Mr. P. survived,” Lisi added.

The Vice-Mayor said that Mr. P’s family took him home on Wednesday. “His family brought him home last night (Wednesday), leaving behind a lesson that even at the age of 101, the future is not set.”

  • Lisi said the recovery of the man, only known as “Mr. P,” is “truly extraordinary” and provided “hope for the future.Referred to Italian media reports as “Mr. P,” the man was admitted to a Rimini hospital last week after testing positive for coronavirus. 

  • He was released to his family Thursday evening after making a recovery, Rimini’s deputy mayor Gloria Lisi told local media. 
  • It’s the second pandemic the man has survived, Lisi said— Mr. P was born in 1919, in the middle of the Spanish flu, estimated by the Centers for Disease Control to have infected 500 million people, about a third of the world’s population. 

  • Rimini has been hit hard by the pandemic, counting 1,189 new cases of coronavirus on Thursday alone.

Crucial quote: “Mr. P made it. The family brought him home yesterday evening,” Lisi said. “[It teaches] us that even at 101 years, the future is not written.” His “truly extraordinary” recovery gave “hope for the future,” she added.

Key background: Mr. P’s survival is remarkable, especially considering the high fatality rates for older Italians who become infected with the virus. According to a report from Italy’s National Institute of Health, nearly 86% of deaths in the country were patients older than 70 years old. And while China, the U.S., and Italy all had confirmed coronavirus numbers hovering around 80,000 Thursday, Italy saw substantially more deaths, 8,165 compared to 1,000 in the U.S. and  3,287 in China. The age distribution of Italy’s population may be a factor— the country has the second-oldest population globally, with 23% of Italians clocking in at over age 65.



TangentMr. P has joined the ranks of other centenarians to survive coronavirus, including 103-year-old Zhang Guangfen, a woman living in Wuhan, China, where the virus is believed to have originated. Guangfen was admitted to hospital in early March and was discharged a week later. On Thursday, South Korea saw its oldest survivor leave hospital after a 97-year-old female coronavirus patient made a full recovery. She is reported to be from Cheongdo, a city not far from Daegu, which has seen the worst of South Korea’s coronavirus outbreak.

The city of Rimini documented 1,189 new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday as the country surpassed 8,000 coronavirus related deaths.
According to media reports, the number of coronavirus cases in Italy maybe 10 times higher than the official data released by the government the head of the agency collating the data had said on Tuesday. Angelo Borrelli, the head of the Civil Protection Agency estimated that as many as 6,40,000 people could have been infected in the country. He further said that thousands of cases in Italy might potentially have gone undetected due to limited testing, as per a Reuters report.

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