Home » Trending » A COVID-19 suspect jumped to death during his quarantine period in Greater Noida

A COVID-19 suspect jumped to death during his quarantine period in Greater Noida

A 32-year old man who was suspected of corona virus commits suicide by jumping off a building in Greater Noida on April 12, Sunday. The man was quarantined at Galogotia Engineering College in Greater Noida and his tests results were awaited, before that the man jumped from the seventh floor of the building. The District Magistrate has ordered magisterial inquiry on the case and will be conducted by Additional District Magistrate. There are no further official statements over the case. Gautam Buddha Nagar has been the hotspot for corona virus with 64 positive cases out of which 13 patients have been cured and discharged from the hospitals.

Not only in Noida but people have been committing suicides in Maharashtra and Himachal Pradesh. A 30 year old man, native of Assam came to attend the Markaz event at Nizamuddin committed suicide in a hospital in Maharashtra after he was tested positive of COVID-19. Another case in Himachal Pradesh, a man was seen giving lift to the strangers who were returning from Tablighi Jamaat event in Delhi, after the whole incident the villagers forced man to get tested for the virus and when the results came negative the man committed suicide leaving a note “I am not anyone’s enemy”.

As the coronavirus cases increase in the country the pandemic of fear starts unfolding alongside the pandemic of virus. The deaths and infections are indeed very good reason to be afraid but creating panic is not going to help anyone; we all have to get through this strongly. Coronavirus is a catastrophic dread and no one knows how much time it will take for us to get out of this, but here are some of the things that can be used as a coping mechanism for the virus.

Staying updated is the need of the hour but do not get obsessed with the news, know the difference between the truth and fake news, rely on the trusted sources and also be careful about what you share, verify the information before sharing it in groups and individuals.
Always focus on the things that are in your hands, taking personal safety measure like,
Washing your hands for 20 seconds using a handwash or hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol content.

Avoid touching your face, especially nose, mouth and eyes.
Practice social distancing, stay home as much as possible.
Avoid crowded places and keep a 6 feet distance from another person.
Follow the instructions issued by the health authorities and take plenty of sleep to boost up your immune system.

Stay connected with your friends and loved ones, in this time of anxiety and depression we need to be in touch with people who care for us. Stay in touch with regular phone calls, Skype and video chatting. Don’t let coronavirus depression affect your conversations, think of the times when all of this is over and life will get back to normal.
Keep your body and mind healthy, follow a routine, eat healthy, practice yoga or your favourite sport (at home), read good books, watch feel-good movies, enjoy time with family and most importantly stay home. Keep your mind away from bad thoughts as much as possible.

Help others to get through this, share the preventive measures, help others calm down, feed the stray animals, donate food or money to the banks, be positive and spread uplifting thoughts in these anxious times.
COVID-19 is a new disease, it’s a new strain of virus of which we currently do not have any vaccine or any other preventive measure and also, it’s spreading at an alarming rate and we don’t know how deadly it could result in. But the guidelines issued to prevent the spread of virus are very general and could be followed easily, the safety measure stated above, if followed are 100% helpful to stop the spread of the virus.

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