Home » Trending » A migrant worker in Telangana sets his bedridden mother on fire, had no money to take care of her

A migrant worker in Telangana sets his bedridden mother on fire, had no money to take care of her

Due to the lockdown, everyone loses their job. Some families had no income. Everyone losses their hope. Now it is the silly act performed by a worker in Telangana. After the lockdown has announced, Lingaswami the worker stayed at a construction site for a few days.

Due to lockdown, it found that neither the caregiver nor his sisters were able to come to his mother’s house. He also lost his job because of lockdown, he is a construction worker in Hyderabad. It makes him feel depressed and he is now not able to feed his bedridden mother. So he allegedly poured kerosene on his bedridden mother and set her on fire while she was asleep at her house in the early hours of Wednesday, police said.

Tirumala Lingaswami (45), from Nalgoda’s Narsingbatla village, 120 km from Hyderabad, allegedly told his sister’s that he was not in a position to take care of her anymore, police said. He soon runs away from the spot. Police are looking for him. Her mother is T. Shantamma (65) whom hip was broken when she fell in the bathroom and had been bedridden.

Although Lingaswami and his three sisters were hired a caregiver to take care of her mother. But she also stopped coming for a week as she was not paid during the lockdown. However the neighbours left home give some food for her further she was unable to take care of her personal hygiene.

According to the police investigation, Sub Inspector Rajasekar Reddy at Nalgonda Rural police station said,” Her daughter who lives in a neighbouring village used to come down once in a week to clean her up and give her a bath, otherwise the old women were alone and had no help”.

Unable to bear the sight of her bedridden mother or to hire another caregiver, Lingaswami returned to Hyderabad in the first week of April and cut off all contact with his sisters in a bid to escape responsibility, according to sources. After recording statements of the three sisters, police said Lingaswami was pressuring Shantamma to sell the house to tide over the financial crisis. An officer said that” His sisters told us that he had no money as he had used all his money during the lockdown…. It is not clear whether he wanted money to take care of his mother. They also investing that his wife left him with their two-year-old child…His sister consuming a lot of alcohol during the lockdown”.

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