Home » Trending » AIIMS, Delhi to station robots to help the doctors and patients in COVID 19 pandemic fight

AIIMS, Delhi to station robots to help the doctors and patients in COVID 19 pandemic fight

The consumer robotic firm Milagrow said on Tuesday to test two of its robots at the
advanced COVID 19 wards of AIIMS Delhi to contain the spread of COVID 19
pandemic among the doctors and healthcare workers. The news came out on April
21st, New Delhi.

The robot Milagrow iMap 9 is a robot that disinfects the floor and which can navigate
and sanitize the floor without any need for human intervention. It has the capacity to
destroy COVID spores on the floors by the use of sodium hypochlorite solution as
recommended by ICMR, said Milagrow in a statement.

The Milagrow Humanoid ELF helps the doctors to interact with the COVID 19
patients and monitor them remotely with no in-person contact. This will significantly
reduce the risk of transmission of the virus from one person to another.
The robot is 92 cm tall and can move voluntarily at a speed of 2.9 kmph.

The robot has built-in 3d and HD cameras to record movements and such important
things to be considered. The perk of this robot is that it helps the patients to interact
with their family and friends via a 10-inch screen conferencing.
To avoid any collisions the robot uses LIDAR and SLAM which stand for Light
Detection and Ranging, simultaneous localization and mapping respectively. This is
to detect any objects in its path.

The robot has more than 60 sensors and uses an open API which allows further
customization. The robot runs on a battery which lasts for up to 8 hours and has a feature of auto-charge.

The Milagrow floor iMap 9.0 robot and the humanoid ELF will both be tried at AIIMS
hospital Delhi said the director of the Hospital Randeep Guleria in a statement.
Milagrow showed its happiness in the act of supporting AIIMS hospital to fight
against the pandemic. It said that it will be working on more such products as the
feedbacks will be in the current situation, said the founder of Milagrow Rajeev

Since the spread is rising continuously and which is indeed very alarming , our sate
of the art robots will help to check the virus and protect the doctors, nurses and other
caregivers from catching the infection themselves.

The robots have been deployed across the United States, China, and Itay for the
purpose of cleaning, disinfecting and assisting patients.
In India a hospital is in talks with a robotic company to make a product that could
deliver food and medicine in the isolation wards to the patients. Kochi based Asimov
Robotics has started working on such autonomous product that could fulfill this need
of the staff.

There have been certain examples where technology is not a new option along with
medicine. This combination has proved to be a boon to a lot of healthcare professionals and to the patients in need as well. For instance, in 2018 in Allahabad
there was a case where a robot performed a precision surgery on a child born
without a food pipe.

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