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BSF Jawans killed while buying bread in Soura, Jammu and Kashmir

Two BSF jawans, Haq and Mondal have been shot dead on Thursday. The two of them are from the 37th battalion of the BSF (Border Security Force). They were posted in Kashmir since 5 August 2019. At present they are posted in Pandach camp, to keep a watch on the entry and exit to Srinagar from neighbouring Ganderbal district.

The attack took place, just days before Eid in Soura, on the outskirts of Srinagar. The Jawans have been fasting since morning and went to the market to buy bread to break their fast. Moments before iftar, the attack took place. Near a bakery, a few terrorists suddenly emerged on a motorcycle and fired bullets before disappearing into the bushes.

A shadow outfit of the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba, TRF ( THe Resistance Front ) has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Haq, 34, and Mondal, 29, both have got severe head injuries.

Haq joined the BSF in the year 2009 has left behind his parents, wife, and two daughters- a four-year-old, who is deaf-mute and another who is just six months old. Mondal too is survived by his parents, wife, and a six-month-old daughter.

Both of them are from Murshidabad in West Bengal but their bodies can’t be sent home, as the airports of place have been closed due to the Cyclone Amphon, according to officials.

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