Home » Trending » China says it was not a culprit but a victim of COVID 19 rejecting Trump’s demand to allow American Team Into Wuhan to trace the origin of COVID 19

China says it was not a culprit but a victim of COVID 19 rejecting Trump’s demand to allow American Team Into Wuhan to trace the origin of COVID 19

China has stopped to sympathize over the thousands of death that have occurred in
china due to coronavirus outbreak along with martyrs whistleblower dr li wenliang.
On the same page id Donald Trump who rejected the advice of health officials saying
that all Americans should consider wearing masks to protect themselves.
The country flag flew out in Tiananmen Square and throughout the country at
half-mast on Saturday as people pulled over to bow their heads for 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, car horns and ship horns were blown and air raid siren was blaring in the

The political power of Beijing in Zhongnanhai the president of China Xi Jinping and
other Chinese leaders were seen paying silent tribute to the flag and had white
flowers pinned to their chests as a symbol of mourning.
More than 3300 people have died in Mainland China due to the coronavirus that
surfaced in the province of Hubei in the last year.

On Friday 19 new cases were reported most of which showed a connection with
foreign travelling. More than 1030 people are asymptomatic and kept under observations. In Wuhan which is the capital of Hubei Province and the center of the outbreak al, traffic lights in the urban areas turned red at 10 am and the traffic was ceased for 3 minutes.

An average of 2567 people had died in the city of 11 million people which is
accounting for more than 75%of the Mainland China’s total coronavirus Fatalities.
Among these was a young doctor Li Wenliang who perished and was nad was
reprimanded by the police in Wuhan for spreading false information about the status
of coronavirus outbreak. He was later exonerated.

In the US on Friday the center for disease control and prevention issued guidelines
and urged people to wear bandanas and t-shirts and cover their mouth and nose
when in public. this was not accepted by President Donald Trump.
“This is voluntary. I don’t think I am going to be doing it “. he said.” I just don’t want to
wear one myself”, they say recommendation they recommend it.

I am feeling good – a remark that ignored the evidence that many virus carriers do
not show symptoms.
Later his wife Melania requested all the people to take this seriously and follow
measures being issued.
On Friday briefing trump was not supported by his son in law and the director of the
national institute of allergy and infectious diseases who spoke of his role in the
growing chain.

There were economic warnings from the world bank group president David Malpass
saying that pandemic was expected to cause a major global recession, echoing
comment by the managing director of IMF Kristalina Georgieva who called on the
economies to help the emerging economies and developing industries.

This is a crisis like no other we have witnessed the economy coming to a standstill
we are now coming towards recession. It is worse than the economic crisis of 2008
China’s day of mourning clashed with the tomb-sweeping festival in which the
Chinese families oat tribute to their ancestors, but all kinds of activities have been
banned and the people have been told to use online streaming to watch cemetry
staff carry out the ritual and avoid going outside.

Some people burned joss paper that is a tradition to send money and wealth to the
deceased ancestors as of Friday, the country reported more than 8 thousand cases including 19 new nfections according to the National health commission. 18 cases were of the travelers arriving from abroad and the one was the local case of Wuhan that was
initially asymptomatic.

China reported 64 new cases on Friday that are asymptomatic arriving in the country
from overseas. The patients under observation are 1030 who are asymptomatic
while 729 patients in Hubei.

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