NEW DELHI– With the onset of the global pandemic, COVID-19, WHO has been releasing a daily press release to brief the world about the latest happening in outbreak. Starting from 21st January, a series of situational reports regarding novel Coronavirus are being issued on the official website of WHO. Each report talks about total number of infected cases and deaths, globally, and ways to tackle it. Leaders of all the infected nations have been given full assurance regarding the solution of this pandemic. And to further discuss about the topic, a summit had been conducted. An extraordinary virtual summit regarding the tackling of COVID-19 was called on by G-20 leaders¸ headed by King Salman and addressed by WHO’s Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. The main motive behind this summit was to “fight, unite and ignite against COVID-19”, as stated by the WHO Head.

G-20 group leaders pledged together to invest $5 trillion into the global economy to restore and uplift global growth, market stability and strengthening flexibility. An official statement was released which said “We are injecting over $5 trillion into the global economy, as part of a targeted fiscal policy, economic measures, and guarantee schemes to counteract the social, economic and financial impacts of the pandemic. We will continue to conduct bold and large-scale fiscal support. Collective G20 action will amplify its impact, ensure coherence, and harness synergies. The magnitude and scope of this response will get the global economy back on its feet, and set a strong basis for the protection of jobs and the recovery of growth”.


The pandemic was first detected in Wuhan, China and the first case was reported to the WHO’s Country Office in China on 31st Dec, 2019. On 30th Jan,2020, the outbreak was declared as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). On 11th Feb, 2020 a name for the coronavirus disease was announced by WHO- COVID-19(SARS- CoV-2). The virus can spread directly from person to person when a COVID-19 case coughs or exhales producing droplets that reach the nose, mouth or eyes of another person. Also, as the droplets are too heavy to be airborne, they land on surfaces and objects surrounding the infected person thus making other people immune to this disease as they will surely touch these contaminated objects or surfaces, then further touching their facial parts with the same contaminated hands.
China country office, Regional Office for the Western Pacific and WHO’s headquarters have been working together since 2nd Jan, 2020 to respond this outbreak. As per the situation report issued by WHO on 26th March,2020, a total number of 4,62,684 globally confirmed cases have been reported with more than 2 lakh deaths. But recently, China has reported no new domestic cases .
The United Nations launched a US$2 billion Global Humanitarian Response Plan to support the most vulnerable countries of the world, India committed Rs.1.7 trillion to help the vulnerable sections of society who are facing a huge financial blow to their pockets because of the lockdown. Interestingly, where many of the countries, including India are practising social distancing and lockdown, the Director-General mentioned that to effectively combat COVID-19, maintain physical distance with people having fever or respiratory symptoms to limit viral transmission but not social distance. Along with these, it has been recommended to perform hand hygiene and regular cleaning and disinfection of surfaces.


China is willing to share its experience in tackling the outbreak, not only with India, who sent about 15 million tonnes of medical assistance to China but to 19 other countries too.

WHO’s official website also states that COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in all areas, including areas with hot and humid climate, thus busting the myth regarding the virus’s life expectancy in hot climate. Also, several other statements, such as transmission of COVID-19 virus through mosquito, effectiveness of cold weather and snow, hand dryers and ultraviolet disinfection lamp in killing the virus has been declared as hoax and shouldn’t be practised. Only officially prescribed medicine from hospitals has to be consumed.




Researches are being performed and vaccines are being developed to cope up with the virus, as stated by WHO. World scientists on COVID-19 met at the World Health Organization’s Geneva Headquarters to assess and research about the virus.

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