In the south, Chennai police arrested DMK’S organizing secretory and Rajya sabha MP RS Bharathi on Saturday, 23 May 2020, for the remarks he made against Dalit judges in a derogatory way. He made such offending comments 3 months back in February 2020
The cops, have arrested him from his residents which is in alandur, Chennai, on the basis the FIR has been reported against him under scheduled caste and scheduled tribe. Act.
He mentioned that “A particular group on social media campaigned against me with that speech. The next day, I responded to that. It has been 100 days since then. Today early morning they came to arrest me. The reason for this sudden arrest is that only yesterday (Friday) evening I lodged a complaint against (Deputy Chief Minister) OPS’s (O Panneerselvam) corruption. Even now we are preparing another complaint about having bought bleaching powder for disinfection activities in Coimbatore for about Rs 200 crore. Somehow they got this information through intelligence (officials) and have arrested me,” he said. Adding that a wedding will not stop because somebody hides a comb, Bharathi said that even if he is in jail the complaint against TN Minister SP Velumani will reach the authorities.
“Even after I told the police my age and that I was under self-quarantine, they are taking me. I feel sorry for the policemen because they are being used (by the government) to satisfy someone else. In the next seven to eight months, the same officers will come for our security and salute us. We have seen this five times and are used to this,” he added.
The recollection of the late DMK Patriarch M Karunanidhi at midnight in 2001 and said, “We will work even more enthusiastically now because our leader MK Stalin was jailed under the Maintenance of Internal Security Act (MISA) when he was 22 years old. We have got him as our leader. We won’t be bogged down by these cases. We will continue voicing out against the corruption of this government.”
The importance of Dravidian movement and how Tamil Nadu is the best state in the country because of this movement is mentioned thereafter, On February 15, 2020, spoken by RS Bharati at kalaignar reader’s circle event at Anbagam.
After this video went viral and got hype, Bharathi expressed regrets for his remarks against the marginalised communities. “I understand that some words I spoke at an event organised by Kalaignar Readers Circle in Chennai’s Anbagam have hurt the sentiments of the oppressed persons. I express regret for that. My intention was not to hurt them but to just highlight the good things Kalaignar has done for them,” mentioned this statement on Twitter.