Malayalam movie Chatur Mukham is set to release on 8th April in movie theatres. It is said to be the first techno-horror movie of the Malayalam film industry. Co-starring Manju Varrier, Sunny Wayne and Alancier Ley Lopez, this film is directed by Kamala Sankar and Salil V.
The Malayalam film industry has been known to be an experimental and risk-taking industry. This film’s trailer is also a testament to the brilliant minds that are working in elevating the standards of Indian cinema. The trailer of the movie has generated huge excitement and intrigue of how the story will be. The editing and cinematography of the film look crisp and promising. The edgy art direction and costume designs are brownie points.
Abhayankar K and Anil Kurian are the writers of the film. The music has been composed by Dawn Vincent. The lead actress Manju Varrier who shows her range as an actor is also the co-producer of the movie.
Download CHATHUR MUKHAM From These Movies Website
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Moviesda | Vegamovies |
FilmyHit | Filmywap |
FilmyZilla |
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