Bollywood veteran Amitabh Bachchan and Chocolate boy Emmran Hashmi starrer ‘Chehre’ get their release dates. The movie was previously scheduled to be released in July 2020 but due to the Covid pandemic reasons, the cinema halls were shut so the release was rescheduled and postponed. The film revolves around the subject of moral corruption and Justice.
The Intriguing story is played by a powerful star cast. Recently Amitabh Bachchan and Emmran Hashmi have twitted about the release of this Mystery- Thriller. They officially announced the film’s release and tagged the lead cast of the film except for Rhea Chakraborty. Makers of the film chose to exclude her from the poster as well.
Chehre movie director Rumi Jafri has been in the ‘Close Friends List’ of Rhea Chakraborty. After Sushant Sing Rajput’s unfortunate demise, Rumi had revealed that he was supposed to make a Romantic movie with Rhea and Sushant. The producers of the film Anand Pandit Motion Pictures and Saraswati Entertainment Private Limited have not confronted the cryptic exclusion of Rhea from the public announcement of the film.
Download Chehre From These Movies Website
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Moviespapa | Moviesbaba |
KuttyMovies | Uwatchfree |
DvDWap | D Movies |
Tamirockers | 9xmovies |
Moviesda | Vegamovies |
FilmyHit | Filmywap |
FilmyZilla |
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