Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald is the tenth instalment of the Harry Potter film series which was released on Netflix in 2018. The story is written by J. K. Rowling and is directed by David Yates. The story is the second instalment in the Fantastic Beast franchise, which is the prequel to the Harry Potter series which embarks the start of the Wizarding World.
The first film the “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” was released in 2016 and is available on Amazon Prime Video. Netflix summarizes the story as; “As the dark wizard Grindelwald gains ground, Dumbledore enlists Newt Scamander to locate a teenager whose mysterious affliction might turn the tide.” Rowling’s Harry Potter novel has been made into 8 films which shows the journey of 3 friends Harry, Ron and Hermione in the span of 10 years, where their only mission is to defeat Lord Voldemort.
Now the interesting news is that a third instalment of the Fantastic Beast series is also going to be released, however, due to the pandemic the shooting had been delayed.
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