Kalave Mosagara is a Kannada thriller movie helmed and penned by the debut director Sanjay Vadat S with Dr K Lokesh as the musician and Rithvik as the editor. The production has been done by Rajath Durgoji Salanki under Bhava Spandana Productions and BMW Productions.
The leads of the movie are Bharat Sagar as Kittu, Yashaswini Ravindra as Sandhya, Shankar Murthy SR as Avinash. The romantic comedy received much hype last year in May 2020 with its teaser and album release. Since then the exuberant fans have been waiting in the wings to watch the full movie.
As for the Times of India, last year, the film will be released in four different languages, in Kannada, Telugu Tamil and Malayalam and will be titled ‘Last Peg’ in all languages. Gracing the film with their actions are other cast members, Darshan Vernekar, Kuru Pratap, Vijay Chedur and Bank Janardhan.
Also Watch | Download “PREMAATUR” Hindi full movie in HD Tamilrockers
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