MAD is a Telegu language-based movie directed by Laxman Meneni and produced by T Venu Gopal Reddy and B Krishna Reddy. Starred by Rajath Raghav, Madhav Chikuri, Sapna Pillai and Sweta Verma, the movie is a Romantic Entertainment.
A girl who is calm and peaceful and whose love is selfless and blind for everyone gets married to a man for whom marriage is the license to have an intimate relationship. All this creates an interest for the audience to watch the movie.
As in the trailer, the couple is seen getting separated, it would be interesting to watch what is going to happen next. For getting to know further the movie can be watched from 6th August 2021, which is the release date for the movie.
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Also Watch | Download “THE CHAIR” Netflix full series in HD Tamilrockers
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