Maha Prasthanam is an Indian Telugu movie made under Onkharreshwara Creations. The film features Tanish Alladi, Musskan Sethi in the leading roles. The other supporting casts are Kabir Duhan Singh, Raja Ravindra, Amit Tiwari, Ravi Kale and Bhanusri Mehra.
This film is going to release on 24th September 2021. Tanish, playing the role of Shiva, a reckless criminal and trusted lieutenant of gangster Rane. He can kill anyone without any hesitation. Some dark incidents caught Shiva’s attention to rebel against the gangs and led him to do a sting operation.
Johnny is the writer-director of the film and, Bal Reddy worked as a cinematographer. The one who sums up the editing part is Kranthi Kumar. Sunil Kashyap has given the music for this bold, action-thriller movie. The director said, “It’s a crime movie with an emotional journey.”
The trailer already described it as a one-shot film. The movie got completed in a Single-shot pattern. The entire cast is excited and has been promoting the film on all social media platforms. Tanish also recently took his excitement on Twitter and posted about the film. Earlier it was named Maha Prasthanam.
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