The fifth part of Shivraj Ashtak, Subhedar is an upcoming historical drama film in the Marathi language that follows the life of Subedar Tanaji Malusare. It was written and directed by Digpal Lanjekar. Mulakshar Productions, Raajwarasa Productions, Prithviraj Productions, Rajau Productions, and Parampara Productions, all worked together to produce the movie, which is distributed by AA Films and Everest Entertainment. Ajay Purka, Mrinal Kulkarni, and Chinmay Mandlekar are featured in the movie. The planned theatrical debut is set for August 18, 2023.
A movie poster for Subhedar, which was set to be released in June 2023, was first announced by Digpal Lanjekar in 2022. A teaser announcing a new release date was released on June 21, 2023. On June 30, 2023, Digpal Lanjekar unveiled the first look poster for Ajay Purkar as Tanaji Malusare. From August 25 to August 18, the theatrical was postponed.
The fort that Subedar Tanaji Malusare conquered after leaving Raiba’s marriage and renaming Sinhagad is Kondhana. After leaving Raiba’s Marriage, Subedar Tanaji Malusare first engages in combat to take Kondhana fort.
In March 2023, the producers of Subhedar completed their four-week filming schedule.
On August 18, 2023, the movie is expected to be released in theatres.
Download “Subhedar” From These Movies Sites
Bolly4u | SDMoviesPoint |
Moviespapa | Moviesbaba |
KuttyMovies | Uwatchfree |
DvDWap | D Movies |
Tamirockers | 9xmovies |
Moviesda | Vegamovies |
FilmyHit | Filmywap |
FilmyZilla |
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