Netflix today is releasing a new Bollywood social issue drama on their platform “Tribhanga – Tedhi Medhi Crazy”. The movie is written and directed by Renuka Shahane, who is popularly known for her role of “Pooja” in Hum Aapke Hain Koun…! The movie starred Tanvi Azmi, Kajol and Mithila Palkar in lead roles.
The idea of the movie is to show three different perspectives on the same events from three generations of a family where the relationship between mother & daughter is not well built. The synopsis given by Netflix is; “When her estranged mother falls in a coma, a self-made single mom grapples with regret and resentment while reflecting on their strained relationship”.Kajol can be seen describing all three of them through Odissi dance poses in the trailer.
She portrays her mother as “Abhang”, an off centre-pose, her daughter as “sama-bhang”, an in balance pose and herself as “Tribhanga”, a pose with three bends at different angles. Renuka Shahane shows her excitement on Twitter today, “I’m so excited to have directed @itsKajolD in her digital debut ❤ #Tribhanga Tedhi Medhi crazy coming today at 1:30 on @Netflixindia.”
Download TRIBHANGA- TEDHI MEDHI CRAZY From These Movies Website
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