Vedikkettu is an upcoming comedy-drama Malayalam movie censored with a clean U certificate. The film is written and directed by Bibin George, and Vishnu Unnikrishnan and features Bibin George and Vishnu Unnikrishnan as lead characters with newcomers Aiswarya Anil Kumar and Shraddha Joseph as the heroines and has around 200 newcomers and is produced by Gokulam Gopalan, NM Badusha and Shinoy Mathew under the banners of Badusha Cinemas and Sree Gokulam Movies.
The movie is co-produced by VC Praveen, Baiju Gopalan, Geo Joseph, Hannan Maramuttam, Manju Badusha and Neetu Shinoy, the executive producers. Rajesh R Krishnan is the chief associate director of the film Vedikkettu and Sujay S Kumar is the associate director.
The film crew released a poster that hints at the festive atmosphere of the film in every possible way, which went viral on social media. The movie was initially planned to release worldwide in theatres on October 28th of 2022 and was postponed.
Now the movie will be released in theatres on February 3rd of 2023. The film is Sree Gokulam Movie’s screening of the film in around 130 theatres in Kerala.
Download “Vedikkettu” From These Movies Sites
Bolly4u | SDMoviesPoint |
Moviespapa | Moviesbaba |
KuttyMovies | Uwatchfree |
DvDWap | D Movies |
Tamirockers | 9xmovies |
Moviesda | Vegamovies |
FilmyHit | Filmywap |
FilmyZilla |
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