The Indian Television Producer, director and creative head of Balaji Telefilms Limited. Ekta Kapoor has recently shared a clip with her fans on her social media handle Instagram. She celebrates the completion of 15 years since “Kasam se” was released.
Ekta Kapoor started her career at the age of 15 and decided to become a producer. The video she shared on her social media is very old of her show, Kasam Se staring Prachi Desai, Ram Kapoor and others. She got nostalgic after watching that old promo of the show.
The video clip was a repost from Balaji Telefilms Limited and she shared it with us to celebrate 15 Years. She reposted the video clip with the caption that said: “15 years of #kasamse! I feel old”. Ram Kapoor also commented on the post with some emoticons and Nivedita Basu also commented “wow @ektarkapoor thank u for making me a part #kasamse”. Jonita and Sourabh Raaj Jain also commented on the post by Ekta Kapoor feeling nostalgic.
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