Popular India actress Erica Fernandes was spotted in the Maldives having a wonderful vacation with Parth Samathaan, the two actresses and actor are popularly known as PaRica. It was captured on social media after taking a lot of cool pictures, spending a memorable holiday together.
As it’s known that PaRica is one of the most romantic pair on-screen, having grabbed headlines on social media. Erica Fernandes went live on her Instagram handler season, interacting with her fans, during the season on her time online, Erica Fernandes reacted to report she is reuniting with Kuch Rang Pyaar ke Aise Bhi. co-star Shaheer sheikh for a season 3, hopefully when that happens, role in season 3 of her daily soap KRPKAB something better might happen.
Well for those of you who are late, Erica Fernandes and Shaheer Sheikh mad fans to fall in love with their charming smile and interesting love story. The play on-screen became more interesting among TV’s lovers and fans were soon presented with the second season as well after the chemist Erica Fernandes and Shaheer Sheikh made headlines on social media. If they could reunion season 3 will be more fun to watch.
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