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European Union Drops A New Action Plan For Virus To Exit To Avoid More Panic Among The Citizens

The European union during a meeting on Wednesday warned that all 27 nations consisting of the European union to be very cautious about returning to their normal lives. The union which came into full force on 1 November 1996, in Maastricht, Netherlands put forward a possible roadmap to tackle the Coronavirus pandemic. The president of the European union, Von Der Leyen in her speech said “At the same time, it is time to look ahead and to focus on protecting livelihoods”, while also adding that saving and protecting the European from the pandemic is its utmost priority. About 80,000 people have died in Europe already from the deadly virus. The European union initially gave €100 billion to job support program for its members that had been terribly hit by the outbreak. The roadmap of the EU establishes some very key principles like Appropriate monitoring capacity which involves the ability to detect infected individuals and isolate them immediately, making sure that the EU member states are working together, coming out with effective vaccines to end the pandemic, making sure that the health care system is sufficient for all infected person’s.

During the president’s speech she said “This is our collective best shot at beating the virus” over the previous weeks the E.U have helped its member countries to ship equipments to hospitals, reopen borders and kept goods moving as well as help moderate money fights although the citizens still complain that it is not enough as they don’t see the presence of the EU on ground. The union said that a catalogue of guidelines and measures were drawn up to provide thoughtful action.

In an advise to their member states the union advised them to make sure that all actions to be taken are gradual and taken in different steps, actions should be monitored, all efforts aimed at curbing the virus like cleaning, social distancing, and proper hygiene are maintained and gatherings of people should be progressively permitted. The union also set up a national health system to help its member states and strained the fact that International cooperation is a priority.

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