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France Will Aid India’s Most Vulnerable With 200 Million Euros In These Tough Times

On Thursday, France announced its decision to provide financial aid of up to 200 million euros in order for the vulnerable in the society to have support arising from the covid-19 pandemic. The president of France Emmanuel Macron made this commitment on Thursday. President Macron had discussed the financial aid with India’s prime minister Narendra Modi during his telephone conversation on March 31. In a tweet from the French ambassador Emmanuel Lenain he said: “joining forces to overcome # covid-19: through the French Development Agency @AFD- en, France is providing financial support of up to 200 million euros to boost social protection systems and protect vulnerable populations in India”.

The AFD (Agence Francaise de Developpement) has funded about 115 countries. The aim of the AFD is to create a more sustainable world and is helping to battle the covid19 pandemic. The Agence Francaise de Developpement is supposed to sign an agreement to support welfare measures and take care of the vulnerable in the society. In the French embassy statement “it heralded a joint maritime surveillance mission to be conducted in the French exclusive economic zone in February 2020”. Few weeks ago the Indian Revenue Service had released a report suggesting that the ‘super rich’ should pay a 40 per cent tax to help curb and tackle the global coronavirus pandemic although the proposal was rejected. The French navy is engaging operation Resilience in order to be able to provide support to the citizens of French Indian oceanic territories to fight against covid19.

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