India entered the fourth phase of lockdown on 18 May as per the guidelines by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This phase includes some restrictions with a lot of relaxations, especially for Economic activities.
The Center has allowed States to take decisions independently, according to the situations in those places; and all State Governments have made relaxations depending on the Coronavirus trends locally.
Uttar Pradesh Government, led by Yogi Adityanath, had decided upon allowing vehicles with people coming from the neighbouring Delhi to Noida. And this resulted in a lot of traffic on the Delhi- Noida borders on Monday. And then the Delhi traffic Police reacted by sending out an alert for commuters and asking them to refrain from using the DND or Kalindi Kunj, to enter Noida without an e-pass issued by the District Magistrate of Noida.
The Government has permitted the entry of people from Delhi to Noida and Ghaziabad, the main cities of Uttar Pradesh, except those arriving from the hotspots or containment zones in the national capital.
With the traffic building up at the borders, Noida’s administration asked for ‘status quo’ on the free movement of vehicles from Delhi.
Uttar Pradesh, being the most populous state of the country, has reported over 46,000 Coronavirus cases. The lockdown has been extended till 31 May, and revival in Economic activities has been allowed.