Gauahar Khan is an Indian Model and actress, after which she made her acting debut with films such as Rocket Singh: Year of the Salesman and Game; along with which she participated in shows such as Bigg Boss and Fear Factor: Khatron Ke Khiladi; she’s also engaged to Zaid Dabar, wherein the Duo is set to tie the knot on 25th December, surely a festive event!
Gauahar Khan shared an animated video on Instagram where her “Lockdown Love Story” with Zaid Dabar has been depicted. The video itself is really cute and colourful, with adorable depictions of the entire story in cartoon format, an adorable tale which showed the story of how their love progressed from their first meetup at a grocery store to the final confession in the form of a song. The pastel colours truly bring out the theme and the mood of the story, giving fans a glimpse of the #GZ couple who showed the world what they’re made of.
Comments from fans ranged from congratulations to tons of emojis which constituted to an overall positive reaction from fans and well-wishers as a whole.
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