Bigg Boss 7 fame and winner Actress Gauahar Khan’s father Zafar Ahmed Khan passed away on Friday morning. Actress/Model Gauahar shared the updates on her social media handle that his father was hospitalised a few days ago in a Mumbai hospital and he was undergoing age-related treatment.
His last rites were performed by the Gauahar Khan’s husband Zaid Darbar and his brother Awez Darbar along with close family members in Mumbai. The actress Gauahar Khan made the arrangement of her father’s funeral herself. The last rites were performed at Versova crematorium in the afternoon.
Gauahar Khan informed about her father’s loss with a heartbreaking post on her Instagram handle. She wrote “My Hero. No man like u, Ever 💔! My father has passed, to the ever after as an Angel. Alhamdulillah. His passing away was a testament to his beautiful life n the best soul he was. Forever My Pappa 😘. I love you oh so much. I am so much of you Pappa. N yet can never ever be even a per cent of your magnanimous personality. ♥️#MyForeverShiningStar. Keep him in your prayers please. 🙏 in Al lillahee wainna ilayhi raajeeoon.”
A day ago, Gauahar’s husband Zaid Darbar had posted a picture from their wedding with his father-in-law and asked everyone to keep him in their prayers. He had written, “please keep my father in law in your Duaa’s. 🤲 Allah gives him the best of health. Ameen! ♥️ He’s the coolest man I know. Alhamdulillah.”
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