Gaurav Taneja, ex-Air Asia pilot, IIT alumnus, bodybuilder, fitness enthusiast and lifestyle YouTuber recently returned to Delhi after a family vacation in Kajrat along with his wife, Ritu Taneja and daughter Kaira. The social media influencer had set a record with his latest YouTube channel Rasbhari Ke Papa as the channel had got 1 lakh subscribers in 98 minutes and touched 1 million in four days. His daughter Kaira aka Rasbhari also has an Instagram account of her own with a large following.
The Gurugrambased content creator had started FitMuscle TV on YouTube, comprising videos on fitness and bodybuilding. He has a vlogging channel on Youtube, Flying Beast, where he shares videos from his daily routine and also comments on happenings and economy. His latest channel is named after his two-year-old daughter Rasbhari’s (Kaira) name. Taneja has a large presence on social media.
On June 14, Taneja had stirred the media when he tweeted that he has been suspended by AirAsia India “for standing up for safe operations of an aircraft and its passengers“. The next day, he uploaded a detailed video on his channel, titled “Reasons behind suspension from my pilot job” and explained his view.
His YouTube channel Flying Beast has over 2.92 million subscribers, and his Twitter and Instagram accounts too are quite popular.
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