Home » Trending » Harsh Vardhan to states, ‘Ban smokeless tobacco products sale, spitting in public’

Harsh Vardhan to states, ‘Ban smokeless tobacco products sale, spitting in public’

The Union Health Ministry, Harsh Vardhan, pointed out to the fact of how smokeless tobacco is adding up to the spread of coronavirus. So, he has called for a ban of sales of such tobacco as people usually spit everywhere after having it that promotes the spread of coronavirus by spreading tuberculosis, swine flu etc. Even many states including Bihar has taken measures to stop people from spitting in public.

Spitting creates a toxic environment. “Large gatherings at the retail outlets where smokeless tobacco products are sold also pose the risk of spread of Covid-19,” he said. “Spitting publicly places could enhance the spread of Covid-19,” he added. This will add rewards to the Swatchta Bharat Abhiyan.

Even this argument was raised by the Indian council of medical research. Vardhan mentioned the rules issued by his ministry under the National Disaster Management Act, 2005. The notification said that “spitting publicly places shall be punishable with fine as could also be prescribed by the state/UT [Union Territory] agency and consumption of liquor, pan, gutkha, tobacco etc in public places is not allowed”.

Still, I’m the revision of the guidelines, sales of liquor were allowed in green zones in Lockdown 3.0. On April 22, the Jharkhand government had prohibited cigarettes, e-cigarettes, bidi, paan-masala, gutka and consumption of a few other tobacco products in public places. It will be punishable under Section 188. It will be 6 months of imprisonment or a fine of 1000 rupees. On April 14, the Bihar health department had prohibited spitting in public places. A violation of the order would be punishable with a fine of Rs 200 or six months in jail. On April 10, the Rajasthan government imposed a ban on spitting in public places and sale of paan, gutka and tobacco.

World Health Organization stated how smokers are prone to diseases than non-smokers. It also contributes to respiratory infections. India has the second-largest number of tobacco users within the world.

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