After returning back from the popular reality show, Himanshi Khurana has experienced her immense popularity growth among the people. She is known for her acting and singing in the Punjabi industry. She was recently spotted helping and supporting the on-going farmer’s protest. She belongs to the Punjabi community and thereby was seen in support of all the farmhands. She was seen comforting her fellow community members and also distributing food to the people. She also gave interviews to different reporters giving succour to the people. She has been constantly uploading posts to showcase her feelings. She has been an immense support to the farmers as she stood and walked in the protest with them at every challenge.
She spent 7-8 hours in the revolt on 11th Dec. When interviewed, she said, “My heart weeps to see the farmers of my country who provide us with food in such a state. Protesting, struggling for their rights. It’s sad to see the one’s providing for us, today they themselves aren’t provided what they deserve. The farmers should get security as if not them what would we eat? Moreover, how would their families survive? So yes I undoubtedly had to be a part of this protest and it felt empowering belonging, standing side by side, my people.”
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