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Hong Kong ‘Security chief warns of growing Terrorism as Govt backs china’s National security law’

Hong Kong’s security chief said “terrorism” was growing in the city which harms National security such as ‘Hong Kong independence’ become more rampant, said security john Lee.

On 24 May 2020, thousands of protesters took to the streets of Hong Kong to oppose the Chinese government’s move to impose a controversial National security Law.

Protesters threatened the city’s autonomy and civil liberties that’s why police fired tear gas at crowds less than an hour the start of the march, which was without official authorization and went against coronavirus social distancing restrictions.

Several thousand people marched and chanting slogans for anti-government unrest, including “Liberate Hong Kong, the revolution of our times”.

Other said, “Hong Kong Independence the sole was out”.

Others flew blue,pro-independence Flags which could likely be illegal under the proposed security law.

China announced Thursday that it plans to introduce a replacement national security law in HongKong, which is expected to ban sedition, secession and subversion against Beijing.

Financial Secretary Paul Chan wrote on his blog on Sunday the national security law “itself ” does not affect investor confidence, only the “misunderstanding” of it does.

The central government has already said the law is target at the minority of people who are secure and can not affect the rights of the overall public.

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