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India ready to provide all possible support to Myanmar says, PM Narendra Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday while participating in a telephonic discussion with Myanmar’s State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi passed on India’s preparation to give all conceivable help to Myanmar to diminish the monetary and wellbeing trouble on the nation because of the novel coronavirus disease. This comes against the background of China connecting with nations in India’s quick fringe with clinical guide and supplies to fight the covid-19 pandemic.

Indian foreign ministry in a statement stated, “The pioneers examined the advancing covid-19 situation in the domestic and regional settings and refreshed each other on the means being taken to control the spread of the pandemic.”

“Underlining the significance of Myanmar as a fundamental mainstay of India’s Neighbourhood First policy, Prime Minister Modi passed on India’s preparation to offer all conceivable help to Myanmar for alleviating the wellbeing and financial effect of covid-19,” elaborated in the statement.

The statement further incorporated that, “The leaders consented to stay in contact and work together to address the present and future difficulties presented by covid-19.”
India’s proposal to Suu Kyi comes when China has been viewed as putting forth exceptional attempts to contact nations like Myanmar and others in the Indian Ocean Region including India’s fringe. On Wednesday, Modi had made a comparable proposal of help to Bangladesh during a call with Prime Minister Sheik Hasina.

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