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JEE advanced 2020 has been postponed


Covid-19 which is called as Coronavirus. Recently it had become the major problem in world. It had recently entered India and many were affected due to Covid-19. It causes many death. Due to Covid-19, the government made lockdown for three weeks., which affects the people to the major extent. Many schools and colleges even the companies are not functioning because of lockdown. Any exams are tends to be postponed. Trade and banks also affected and causes financial crises. As, exam are postponing, students are affected to large amount. Due to Covid-19, every field faced the financial crises but in fuel, their were enough stock to face lockdown. Availability of petrol, diesel and LPG made the people not to fear of fuel.
This lockdown made every on to stay at home so, the consumption rate of petrol and diesel is reduced and there can manage this crises.

Dream of students

After completing their SSLC, most of the students have the dream to do engineering. Only Engineering became the dream. To place in the top Engineering college students are struggling hard to pass JEE advanced. Top rank students are placed in famous Engineering college. Every year it occurs during the month of May and July. But now due to Covid-19, JEE exam is postponed. Normal functioning of the system gets affected. Public examination for the qualification of students are stopped. pandemic disease has the large impact on nation. They was the National wide lockdown.

JEE advanced exam is postponed

As lockdown is expanded. the Government made the exam to be postponed. Affected individuals will have the throat infect Nd affects respiratory tracts of Bird and mammals, including human. This virus also affect gut. It has the a symptoms of normal fever respond for common cold. scientists had proved that it affects cats, dogs, mice etc.., from animals human had get transmitted. symptoms varies from person to person depending upon the individual immune power. Scientists reveals first microscopic image of novel Corona virus.

Pregnant women immunologic and physiologic change which might make them more susceptible to viral respiratory infection including Covid-19. When scientists view the virus there were shocked because it was new and there didn’t effect, it will affect the entire world. In this vast world, Covid-19 had became a part and soak the whole universe. Covid-19 had lead to the drop-down in financial and economical growth of India. The people must be strong to face and there increase their immune power to the body which helps to fight against the viruses. For many disease Their is no medicine in India, but we had the ability to face the situation. The inner level confidence will make a man to fight against Covid-19. This cut-down will affect economic directly. Economic slowdown has been aggregate by decline in consumption. Many families were leading their livehood through lending, if it has been slowdown them consumption rate were reduced. Money is the backbone to lead a life. If this cut-down as been expanded after three months there also the export and import. India will come under a financial crises. Trade was largely affected because of pandemic disease, trade ministries are expected to meet soon to access the impact of pandemic on global trade. Financial services are provided by Global Trade, Transport and Global banking. This three were stopped for three months and can extend, which drop the country financially. To avoid unnecessary inference with Traffic and Trade, It had been stopped. Trade ministries should take a alternatives to develop the nation.


The effects due to corona virus is abandon and uncountable. Any were died because of this pandemic disease. As their is no medicine and doctors were struggling to find them.
The countries such as china, Spain, France had faced huge loss.

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