Joe Biden,77, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee is the former vice-president. He has been accused by Tara Reade of assaulting her when she was a staff assistant in the office of Biden, then a US senator from Delaware. Allegedly, the assault took place in August 1993 in a hallway on Capitol Hill.
“As you know, I wrote and championed the Violence Against Women Act, transformed how this country gets justice and support to survivors and led the ‘It’s On Us’ campaign to fight sexual assault on campuses. As VP, I fought to provide a special victims counsel for sexual assault cases in the military,” he said in a reply on being indirectly questioned about, at a virtual town hall.
On his campaign on April 13th, Biden’s deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield said that “this absolutely did not happen”.
According to the New York Times, women’s rights activists are pushing him to break the silence and make a statement in this regard, before the end of April, which is the Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
Even many news agencies are pushing him to make a statement in this regard.