Home » Trending » Ministry of health calls for the bid for procurement of oxygen cylinder on an emergency basis for Covid-19 patients

Ministry of health calls for the bid for procurement of oxygen cylinder on an emergency basis for Covid-19 patients


Oxygen cylinder is the only medical supplies needed for the Covid-19 patients. As the number of Covid-19 patients are increasingly day by day it requires the additional medical services to treat them. So, the ministry of health had undertaken the measure to produce the Oxygen cylinder. Covid-19 attacks the respiratory system if the human and it’s is the major problem. so, the patients are suffering with the lack of oxygen. in such cases oxygen are provided artificially through the oxygen cylinder.

“Use of cylinder”

First throat swab sample confirmed Covid-19 in India reported in Kerala.
This had been exist before the century which attracts only the Birds and animals, from animals human had been transmitted. Transmission

electron microscope imaging, published in Indian journal of medicine research. Covid-19 thread entire universe because their is no medicine. It varies from person to person and it depends upon the immunity content in the body of an individual.
scientists reveal first microscopic image of novel corona viruses. But the people and doctors must reveal the first medicine for this pendamic disease. people must be more aware to prevent them. Again, Cleanliness is next to godliness. In this situation, providing the oxygen is only way to make the patients feel comfortable.

“Develop the low cast ventilator”

Covid-19 affects directly the throat and infects lung, Which causes the respiratory problem. It leads to death within a minute. If the patients is provided with the ventilator, their lives can be expanded to an hour. As the ventilation supply is decreased and the affected patients in India is Increased. Engineers of Pune announced the medical centres to increase the ventilation supply in India.

In this vast world, Covid-19 had became a part and soak the whole universe. Covid-19 had lead to the drop-down in financial and economical growth of India. The people must be strong to face and there must increase their immune power to the body which helps to fight against the viruses. For many disease Their is no medicine in India,but we had the ability to face the situation. The inner level confidence will make a man to fight against Covid-19.

“Increase in medical instruments”

Covid-19 affects the entire world. so, it is needed to increase the medical treatment and instruments. The people must be more preventive and precaution is better then cure. One must be more aware of Covid-19. There is no particular treatment and researchers are trying their best to make the effective treatment. Many schools and educational institutions are converted into medical care centres for those who are affected by the Covid-19. Covid-19 patients are isolated and taken care by the doctors. More than the doctors now the engineers are in process to cure Covid-19. Engineers are also responsible for the protective measures. Their were lot of disadvantages in using the ventilators. Use of ventilator helps in breathing but it also affects lungs. To provide the air ventilator tubes is added that tube will be infected by the microorganisms. And this leads to bronchitis and bronchioles disease.


Lockdown extents, we should follow the instructions lead by the government. Violating law is inoffensive and it is the act against oneself. Medical supplies must be increased as the number of patients increased across the world. Traveling should be reduced by the individual to reduce the affects of Covid-19.

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