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Mitron App makes a comeback on Google Play Store

The Made in India version of TikTok, the Mitron app is restored in Google Play Store after it was brought down a few days ago due to violation of privacy policies. Google in a statement assured that if the developers can solve the problems and resubmit it, the app will be back on play store.

Google said, “A number of recent app removals received particular attention in India and we wanted to clarify our actions. Earlier this week, we removed a video app for a number of technical policy violations. We have an established process of working with developers to help them fix issues and resubmit their apps. We’ve given this developer some guidance and once they’ve addressed the issue, the app can go back up on Play”.

The app was downloaded a million times since its launch. But it was being closely investigated after a Pakistan coding company claimed that the source code of the app was made by them.

Irfan Sheikh, the source code provider of the app told that the security issues were because of no alterations by the developer. He has bought the code for $34 (₹2500). Sheikh also told that the privacy policy of the app was also unchanged before it was uploaded on Play Store.

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