Mouni Roy, who made quite a splash on the small screen when she made her acting debut with Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu This, is one of the leading ladies of the TV industry. This lovable ‘Naagin’ is loved for more reasons than one. Mouni Roy is lovingly called Maanya or Mon by her friends, family and loved ones.
Mouni Roy gave fans a sneak look at her beautiful backless dress. Mouni Roy shared a plethora of pictures featuring a tiny blue backless dress with a flowing tail. Striking sensuous poses on the swing seat and other exotic locations of her stay, Mouni Roy set fans hearts in a frenzy. Her hairstyle looks perfect with the outfit. Wearing minimal makeup, she lined her eyes with blue eyeliner and she is indeed looking great in it.
Mouni Roy is a hot woman. She is extremely fond of wearing bikinis, shorts, skirts. She is sexy and she is not afraid of flaunting it. However, the actress also loves to wear Indian traditional dresses and looks just as beautiful in them too. In fact, she carries everything she wears with such grace and confidence, that it is hard to find flaws in her.
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