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Nation will be divided into zones depending on the severity of the spread in the regions

Covid-19, horrible and frightening pandemic that infected up to million-billion persons and killed hundreds of thousands. Our India is fighting the battle against the Covid-19 crises, as we all know yesterday, Saturday April 11, 2020 our Prime Minister held a video conference with Chief Ministers of all the states on the topic whether the 21- nation worldwide lockdown be extended beyond April 14 and to take the feedback of the CMs. The outcome was the Central Government may extend the nationwide lockdown with some possible relaxations even as Punjab and Odisha have already announced the extension of the lockdown till 1st of May. This was the second time the Prime Minister is interacting with the Chief Minister through video link after the lockdown was imposed.

After this interaction with Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a video conference, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Saturday said in televised address that, the lockdown is set to extend till two weeks and he had decided to strict the restrictions he had decided to divide the highly infected places into zones. About Haryana, he said the state will be divided into three categories:

  • The worst affected will be declared as red zone.
  • The vulnerable areas will come under orange zone.
  • The less affected area will come under 3rd zone.
  • The worst affected red zone districts are: Gurgaon, Faridabad, Nul and Palwal are in the category.

The other 18 districts will be divided into two categories vulnerable areas in orange category, where corona virus cases are fewer most than worst affected areas.
The third category will be of the areas with minimum impact of corona virus.
Although lockdown will continue in all the three zones, however the areas where there is less impact of corona virus the restrictions on those places will be mild. Khattar said all the Chief Ministers gave their opinions suggestions to the Prime Minister and most of them favoured nationwide lockdown should be continues beyond 14 April.

Khattar said it was pointed out during the meeting that economic activities had come to an abrupt stop and to keep it at still for a long time is difficult for any nation or state. If the lockdown is extended the prime minister has indicated that some arrangements will be made so that small enterprises can be restart. Movement of raw material finished goods will be restart. To maintain social distancing and to ensure that no crowd should gather when the people go out to buy necessary items, it has been decided that the duration of the opening of such stores will be increased .To provide health care facilities at doorsteps which includes, medicines the number of mobile dispensaries will be increased from 250 to 500.

Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Saturday said four districts including Gurgaon, which has reported the maximum number of Covid-19 cases, will be declared “red zones” which means stricter restrictions will placed in the areas to check the spread of virus. Many areas in the disctrict have already been declared containment zones.
The division of nation into zones is a better idea to fight against Covid-19. The areas with many infected should come under red zones and there more strictness should be maintained, should take care of their necessities too. The areas with minimum affected should come under orange zone and minimum strictness should be possessed. Social distancing is the only way to stop the spreading of Covid-19 and to win the battle.

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