TV celeb Nia Sharma who rose to fame from the Naagin serial appears on her social media accounts more than TV, She often shares her photos and videos with fans who liked her so much. Taking to Instagram today she shared a video of her mother’s birthday celebration.
In this, his mother is hammering repeatedly on the cake and playing ‘Birthday Wish Take’ in the background. In the video Nia, her mother and some other close people are seen who are looking very happy. Sharing this, Nia gave the caption, ‘Happy birthday mom … smash that all on the floor.
Fans are liking the video and making emojis with hearts. The actor has established herself well in the industry. Apart from her on-screen performances that have won her fans’ hearts, her fashion sense also grabbed attention. Being an active social media user, Nia makes sure to treat her fans with her stunning looks and shell out style goals for every occasion.
Nia often shares photographs with her family and friends on social media. On the work front, she is going to be seen in Jamai Raja 2.O web series.
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