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OYO have offered FREE Rooms to the Nurses and Doctors of the USA

WASHINGTON: The US now has more coronavirus cases than any other country after more than 16,000 COVID-19 infections were reported there in a single day, taking the number of patients in America to over 85,600, according to Johns Hopkins University data.
Globally, a total of 24,057 people have died due to coronavirus with Italy standing at the top with 8,215 deaths, followed by Spain (4,365) and China (3,169), the varsity figures stated.

America leads with 85,653 COVID-19 cases, followed by China with 81,782 and Italy with 80,589 infections, the data showed.

According to Worldometer, the website that records confirmed cases of infection and deaths globally, the US by Thursday night had 85,088 individuals infected with coronavirus, of which 16,877 were added just in a single day. A week ago, the number of confirmed cases were 8,000. It has dangerously surged 10 times in the span of a week.

OYO have offered FREE Rooms to the Nurses and Doctors of the USA

With at least 263 deaths, the US also reported most number of fatalities due to the contagion on a single day on Thursday. At least 1,290 Americans have died due to coronavirus so far, the website reported.

Over 2,000 coronavirus cases were reportedly in a serious condition. The number of confirmed cases as well as the deaths due to COVID-19 are likely to increase substantially in the coming days.

On many measures, the United States has one of the worst health systems among developed economies. A bigger share of the population lacks health insurance. We carry more medical debt. We die more often from preventable causes. The weaknesses in this system, which already puts the US behind its peers on many health outcomes, are exposed in an outbreak.

And the biggest single problem, the one most unique to the American system, is costs.
Americans face higher out-of-pocket costs for their medical care than citizens of almost any other country, and research shows people forgo care they need, including for serious conditions, because of the cost barriers. Patients here are much more likely than those in most other countries to say they had a cost-related barrier to getting medical care: 33 percent in America vs. between 7 percent (Germany) and 22 percent (Switzerland) in other developed economies. Americans are more likely to say they struggled to afford or couldn’t afford medical bills and that their insurance plan had refused to cover some of their medical claims.

NEW YORK: Ivanka Trump, the senior advisor to President Donald Trump, has lauded an initiative by Ritesh Agarwal-founded Indian start-up OYO Hotels to offer free stays to doctors, nurses in the US helping in the fight against the novel coronavirus, describing the gesture as “impactful acts of benevolence”. She made her comment as she re-tweeted a press release by the OYO, which said that the start-up is “opening the doors to its hotels” and offering free stays to doctors, nurses and other medical first responders who are helping in the fight against Coronavirus (COVID-19).

The OYO press release said that beginning March 24, medical first responders will receive free accommodations at any OYO Hotel in the United States so they can sleep, shower or just get off their feet and recharge.

In light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak now spreading to more than 80 countries and territories and impacting thousands of people and putting millions of others at risk, OYO Hotels & Homes has today issued an advisory to its global employees.  OYO is continuously monitoring the situation, as health and safety of OYO’s entrepreneurs remain a key priority. 

OYO have offered FREE Rooms to the Nurses and Doctors of the USA

OYO said it will do all it can to make the lives of the “brave” medical personnel a little better. “It is our responsibility to give back. To all the medical personnel fighting this disease on the front lines, we welcome you and we can’t be grateful enough.”
The medical personnel can call a designated number to get their reservation for the nearest OYO and with a valid active First Responder identification, OYO Hotels will cover all the costs.




“All of us at OYO are grateful for the bravery and sacrifices all the medical personnel are making to save lives and stop the spread of COVID-19,” Agarwal, Founder and Group CEO, OYO Hotels & Homes, said in the press release.
OYO said it will do all it can to make the lives of the “brave” medical personnel a little better. “It is our responsibility to give back. To all the medical personnel fighting this disease on the front lines, we welcome you and we can’t be grateful enough.”

The medical personnel can call a designated number to get their reservation for the nearest OYO and with a valid active First Responder identification, OYO Hotels will cover all the costs.

This great initiative taken by OYO has helped the medical faculty of the USA to provide some quality facilities to the doctors and nurses. This great work of OYO is being appreciated by the whole world.

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