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PM Modi urges to lower the imports in the defence sector

On Thursday, PM Modi said that people in India should be less dependant on the products
imported from other places and start the dependency on products that are made in India. the make in India has been highlighted in this statement made by PM Modi.he took forward the make in India initiative to built its domestic capabilities in designing developing and manufacturing state of the art defence equipment

He made a remark while in a chaired meeting to showcase the potential of Indian
development technologies and how we can make our own defence pieces of equipment to
initiate the make in India initiative and laid emphasis on the self-reliant industries in India that have the potential to cater to the short and long term need of the armed forces.

The meeting was held and attended by defence minister Rajnath Singh, Finance minister
Nirmala Sitharaman, and home minister Amit shah including others where the measures to be taken to boost the backdrop of the economy due to the Coronavirus pandemic were
discussed as well.

The discussion involved the reforming of ordnance factories and their functioning,
streamlining procurement procedures, more focussed allocating of resources along with the encouragement of research and development.
Investment attracting in critical defence technologies and promoting the process of exports is more beneficial said Modi .the topics came up in the meeting to boost the surge of the flattened economy.

Emphasis was laid by him on how India can be made the top country in defence and
aerospace sectors with the full participation of pubic and private sectors from design to
production to achieve the twin goal of self-reliance and reports increments. A review was
done of the proposal for attracting international and domestic investments in the defence
development and self-reliance.it has been stated that the expenditures will have economized and the savings will be channelized for strategic acquisitions of defence capital. issues related to defence procurement, offset policies, indigenization of spares, transfer of technology, attracting global equipment manufacturers for the establishment of manufacturing facilities in India expanding our presence in international supply chains were also discussed among the leaders.

For India to emerge as a global leader in defence manufacturing, focus on the export of
quality and state of art equipment systems and platforms were also discussed.
Modi emphasized the importance of export increment in the economy and increase the
the participation rate of India in the production of international export and encourage the
the objective of reliance on self-made products.

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