Co-creator of Flying Beast channel Ritu Rathee Taneja’s late-night post is a perfect example of cuteness overloaded. On Tuesday Midnight The vlogger dropped an adorable picture of her cute little family. The picture of her with husband Gaurav Taneja and daughter Rasbhari Taneja is the new love for their fans. What is more adorable is the caption under the picture by Ritu Rathee Taneja. She wrote,” Aur isse kehte…..hazaaroooo Hiro se bhi Badi Daulat! Muskuraiye kyoki aap Lucknow mein hai! @taneja.gaurav @rasbhari.taneja”.
On the post, the love from the fans was showered in the form of likes and comments. The followers of the YouTube creator filled the comment section with sweet and hearty messages for the trio.
Currently, she is seen spending quality times with her family. After spending time in Mumbai and Kanpur now they are spending their time in Lucknow. Previously they were seen spending time in Karjat, Mumbai. After their visit to the peaceful rural Karjat, Mumbai they visited Gaya, Bihar on their way back to Delhi. The new vlog on their channel has gained over 1.8M views in just 2 days.
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