TV actress Sanjeeda Sheikh posted a very cute picture on Instagram on Thursday. In the picture, her little daughter is sitting on a horse at a beach. She captioned the picture “My Precious”. Many fans left strings of hearts in the comment section.
Sanjeeda shared the first glimpse of her daughter in 2021. Her daughter Arya was born in 2019 through surrogacy. The actress has since separated from her husband Amir Ali. Sanjeeda shared a video of the little munchkin feeding a cow earlier.
Amir Ali and Sanjeeda first made a public appearance in Nach Baliye 3. They quickly became very popular together. Last year they made a statement that they are separating. They are yet to apply for divorce.
Recently, Sanjeeda was seen in a music video by Jass Manak called Saiyaan which received 50 Million views and another music video with Jubin Nautiyal called To Aagaye Hum. Now she is working on a Punjabi film called Mein Te Bapu.
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