Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain has been admitted to hospital after he developed a fever. His oxygen levels had also dropped following which he was admitted to Rajiv Gandhi Super Speciality Hospital. “Due to high-grade fever and a sudden drop of my oxygen levels last night I even have been admitted to RGSSH. Will keep everyone updated,” Jain said.
Jain underwent a coronavirus test and the results are awaited. He has been reportedly put on oxygen support.
In a tweet on Tuesday morning, soon after the news broke out of Satyendar Jain being admitted to a Delhi hospital, Kejriwal said, “You have been working for the people day and night, without a care for your own health. Please take care of your well-being and get well soon.” The Health Minister’s symptoms have developed days after CM Kejriwal developed a fever and sore throat causing concerns. He underwent a
coronavirus test and was kept under isolation.
Jain was present at a meeting between the Centre and Delhi government on Sunday. Satyendar Jain was present at the meeting between the Union Home Ministry and Delhi government on Sunday which was also attended by Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia, Home Minister Amit Shah, LG Anil Baijal, Union Health Minister Dr Harshvardhan, Delhi Chief Secretary and Home Secretary apart from other officials.