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Scientists reveal first microscopic image of novel corona viruses


Now a Days, Covid19 is in trend which soak entire world. India has been facing a server crises. From China it has reached other world and cause a death. It occurs during the month of winter and early spring. people must be more aware about this pandemic disease. Doctors were struggling to cure corona virus, still there were against that virus.

“Transmission electron microscope”

First throat swab sample confirmed Covid-19 in India reported in Kerala. This had been exist before the century which attracts only the Birds and animals, from animals human had been transmitted. Transmission electron microscope imaging, published in Indian journal of medicine research. Covid-19 thread entire universe because their is no medicine.

The article “Transmission electron microscope imaging of SARS- cov-2″ has been authorised by the ICMR-NIV.

Corona virus is intially round in shape It as well projection. Because of that projection virus had gained the name. From animals it had been transmitted to human and other organisations. There is no particular symptoms of this virus. It varies from person to person and it depends upon the immunity content in the body of an individual.


Affected individuals will have the throat infect Nd affects respiratory tracts of Bird and mammals, including human. This virus also affect gut. It has the a symptoms of normal fever respond for common cold. scientists had proved that it affects cats, dogs, mice etc.., from animals human had get transmitted. symptoms varies from person to person depending upon the individual immune power. Scientists reveals first microscopic image of novel Corona virus. Pregnant women immunologic and physiologic change which might make them more susceptible to viral respiratory infection including Covid-19.

When scientists view the virus there were shocked because it was new and there didn’t effect, it will affect the entire world. In this vast world, Covid-19 had became a part and soak the whole universe. Covid-19 had lead to the drop-down in financial and economical growth of India. The people must be strong to face and there must increase their immune power to the body which helps to fight against the viruses. For many disease Their is no medicine in India, but we had the ability to face the situation. The inner level confidence will make a man to fight against Covid-19.

“Establishment of name”

Corona virus comes from the word crown because it contains the crown like projection. Corona in Latin ” Halo” which means crown. It mostly spread during the winter season and during the spring. It can spread through the air. The word crown refers to the head. In the same way It became the head of diseases and headache for world.


The effects due to corona virus is abandon and uncountable. Any were died because of this pandemic disease. As their is no medicine and doctors were struggling to find them.
The countries such as China, Spain, France had faced huge loss. Their populations had been reduced to half because of Covid-19. Next leading country is India. India is going to face a loss due to this virus. Precautions is cure. people must keep themselves clean and free from infectious agents. Cleanliness is next to godliness. It was a quote said by our ancestors. it’s mean a lot, if we follow this, corona virus had been defected.




Scientists reveal first microscopic image of novel corona viruses. But the people and doctors must reveal the first medicine for this pandemic disease. people must be more aware to prevent them. Again, Cleanliness is next to godliness

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