Heavy rains that lashed the capital Delhi Sunday morning left the city waterlogged in several areas. A 60-year old man was found dead under the Minto Bridge on Sunday morning.
It is reported by the police that the person who died is identified as 60-year old man Kundan Singh, was driving a Tata Ace. He was driving towards Connaught Place when his vehicle got stuck in it.
He waterlogged area under the Minto Bridge. Delhi Police has confirmed that the deceased died due to drowning.
“The deceased was driving towards Connaught Place this morning when he tried to manoeuvre the vehicle through the waterlogged underpass. However, he couldn’t succeed and it seems like he died of drowning. There are no external injury marks on him,” the Delhi police said.
A bus, tempo and two auto-rickshaws were also submerged under the Minto Bridge who got stuck due to waterlogging. There were no passengers onboard the bus.
The Delhi Police has advised people to not go through the waterlogged areas via twitter.
The Meteorological department of India has reported heavy rain, lightning, thunderstorm in Delhi early Sunday. Due to heavy rain, the heating temperature of Delhi came down to 25 degree Celsius, whereas the maximum temperature is expected to be 35 degree Celsius.