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The Supreme court says 15 days are enough for the state government to ferry migrants to their native homes

On Friday the supreme court said to the centre and state governments that the stranded workers and labourers should be sent back to their native homes in the time of 15 days which is enough for the plan. The further decisions will be announced on Tuesday.

In Suo moto, a PIL in the plight of migrant workers was heard by a bench lead by justice Ashok Bhushan, SK Kaul, and MR Shah.

“What we intend to do is we will give you 15days time to transport all the migrants.

All states will bring in record how they will provide employment and other kinds of relief. There should be the registration of migrants” said the court. Further to the discussion, solicitor general Tushar Mehta told that the government has transported back almost 1 crore of the migrant workers. He said” by road, 41 lakh labourers have been transported and 51 lakhs by trains”.

To the hearing, it was added by representative of Delhi government additional solicitor general Sanjay Jain that about 2 lakh of the migrant workers are still in Delhi and many of them are choosing to not go back. It has been less than 10,000 labourers that have shown they want to go back to their native places.

A similar hearing was made by Uttar Pradesh government court. “At no point of time didi the state charge, the migrant labourer’s obligations of the state is two-fold. We have to send those migrants back who were in UP as well.104 special trains were organized to send back 1.35 lakhs of migrants” said the representative of UP government senior advocate PS Narasimha.

There is no person who wants to leave and the migrant labourers who live in UP are working in different parts of the country. The buses had more than 10 thousand trips to bring back more than 5.50 lakhs of migrant labourers.

A total of 1664 special Shramik trains were organized and 21.69 lakhs of people were brought back to the state as stated by the government.

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