Home » Trending » To fight the battle against Fake news, WhatsApp takes a big step, limits its forward feature to only one chat at a time

To fight the battle against Fake news, WhatsApp takes a big step, limits its forward feature to only one chat at a time


Whatsapp is a one of the chatting application for personally. Through this we can handle our conversation in the form of texting, voice messages and medias. We can send limited audio and documents also. Then it was updated to share our location to another person. So it takes a essential place in Indian’s day to day life. Often it provides the lots of updated versios for the users to utilize it smoothly. Now it introduces a new update specially to avoid the fake news forwarded in whatsapp.

Initial steps:

Generally at initially we can pass a message to infinite number of users in our contact list. This facility is offered for the emergency usage. Example if anyone needs a emergency help like blood donation is spread at very fast and reaches the perfect donors. But the forward trick is used also for spreading the fake news . It is very bad utilization because the people get feared about the fake news. They don’t know about the basic information about the news. So lots of misbehaviour persons misuse the whatsapp for their need. So whatsapp management has introduced a feature that one can forward the message to 5 members maximum. Through this feature lots of messages were reduced to spread (fake news ). So people gets not interested to forward more times to the 5 members. So the fake news spreading is decreased.

Situation along COVID -19:

In March month COVID-19 virus spreading is at very fast in India. So the Prime Minister Narendra modi announced a Lockdown (quarantine) period for the people safety. So the people are stayed at home and their usage of the mobile phones gets increased. Mainly they are sharing their informations about the COVID -19 speeding and their official uses. Along that more illegal users forward the fake news about the COVID -19 spreading for they like to bring the people under the fear.

Whatsapp’s new feature:

To avoid the spreading of the fake news, whatsapp has introduce a new features. The users almost use the whatsapp for putting the status videos. The duration of status is reduced to 15 seconds. To avoid the spreading of fake news now we can forward the message to another 1 person maximum at a time.


This new feature will be uploaded in whatsapp. It gets more welcomings along the detective officials. And it avoids the fake news spreading.

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