Home » Trending » UK PM Boris Johnson warns that Covid19 might stay in an op-ed article for ‘The Mail’ on Sunday

UK PM Boris Johnson warns that Covid19 might stay in an op-ed article for ‘The Mail’ on Sunday

Boris Johnson said in his latest interaction to media that Britain might not be free from coronavirus for some time to come. He suggested that people should stay at home rather than to move frequently in spite of that he also mentioned that work should be started and the professionals should return to their work taking care of proper safety because the death toll from covid -19 is the nation remains highest in Europe.

In an op-ed article for the Mail on Sunday, he announced his government will spend 93 million pounds n a vaccine research centre in Oxfordshire the site will open in summer 2021. The governments are moving carefully to get first right on potential vaccines of covid -19.he added “we have to acknowledge we may need to live with the virus for a long time until effective vaccine comes” the only way to survive in this odd circumstances is to do more testing and tracing.

However, under pressure his own conservative party he is trying to find out the way to cope up with lockdown and revive an economy which is in downfall track rapidly. So he trying to encourage his people to return back to work as well as trying to open school and colleges from next month.

At last, he requested to his people to have patience and maintained the social distancing and other safety to save his life along with their loved ones.

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