Bollywood actress, Urvashi is known for her fashion game, which has always been on point. From ethnic wear to millennial trends, the actress knows how to nail them all. The sensational star posted a video on her Instagram handle with the caption” my other birthday🎂❓No problem😉”. Actually, on 25 February 2023 the actress will turn 29, she is counting the days until her birthday. See the video below:
The look of actress made a stellar case of weekend party dressing in a sparkly silver co-ord set. The sleeveless outfit featured a deep, plunging neckline and a cutout pattern for the top. The bottom showcased a thigh-high slit at the front adding a dramatic twist to the look. The shimmery sparkle details all over grabbed all the attention. A pair of dangler earrings, a bracelet, glitter makeup and a lot of sass were all that accompanied Urvashi’s stylish look.
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